& Gun Club
Gabriola Shooting Sports
For Range Use and Regulations
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Thank you for considering Gabriola Rod, Gun and Conservation Club range to be your home base for your Shooting Arts. Please check our Facilities page for shooting hours and more.
Informal instruction is available in pistol, rifle, and archery.
The Club does not conduct Firearms Licensing courses
(e.g. PAL or RPAL). We have links to the course manuals for PALS and RPALS in the Library Resources page.
Members should bring their own paper targets for use during non-scheduled shooting, and take care not to hit the ground baffles, target frames, nor bases when firing.
All shooters are encouraged to use an Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI), a.k.a. a Chamber Flag, when their firearm remains unloaded and unused on the firing line. Normally, long guns are 'racked' between firing episodes on the rifle range.
The GRGCC uses a 25 metre outside range for handgun shooting. There are two ground baffles/barriers between the Firing Line and the target backstop to ensure no ground ricochets will pass over the backstop. All handgun shooting must take place within the insulated range SHED (to provide for maximum sound suppression).
There is one scheduled Handgun Shoot per month and the occasional significant shoot scheduled (e.g. Spring Trophy Shoot, Father's Day Shoot, Christmas Turkey Shoot, Hot Cocoa Shoot) throughout the year.
Non-scheduled/non-organized shooting by individual members can take place on any approved shooting day. Currently, both Wednesdays and Sundays are CLOSED TO FIREARMS days at the range.
Target frames and stands are available for independent use.
Please bring your own paper targets and stapler.
Shooters are requested not to use the target frames nor baffles for holding impromptu targets.
.22 Rifle FUN Shoot – Rules of Engagement
The Shoot consists of rotating through each of 5 Firing Stations. A total of 20 rounds will be shot at each of the Firing Stations. Each 20 shot Firing Station will be allotted 10 minutes of firing time.
Preregistering for a Relay is requested from shooters. Relay Start times are 1st Shot times. Early arrival for housekeeping duties is appreciated.
Course Of Fire:
FS#1 – STANDING – metal silhouettes @ 45 yards.
10 shots are standing, ‘unsupported’. 10 shots are to be utilizing “Buffalo Sticks” (provided by Club) or a personal shooting stick. There is no order to shooting supported or non-supported. No mandated order for target knock-down. For Buffalo Sticks usage, chamber a round AFTER the rifle is seated on the shooting stick.
FS#2 – SITTING at Bench – paper target @ 50 yds (supported by front rest use only). The paper target holds four (4) bullseyes, each one absorbing 5 shots.
FS#3 – SITTING on Stool – Dual paper targets: Turkey silhouette and single bullseye @ 50 yds. The 1st 10 shots are ‘unsupported’, aiming at the Turkey silhouette. The remaining 10 shots are to be aimed at the bullseye while supported by “Buffalo Sticks” (provided by Club) or a personal shooting stick. For Buffalo Sticks usage, chamber a round AFTER the rifle is seated on the shooting stick.
FS#4 – SITTING at Bench – 2 paper bullseyes @ 100 metres (supported by front rest use only). 10 shots to each bullseye.
FS#5 – SITTING at Bench - Elbows on bench top (i.e. no front, no rear rest). Tgts @ 100m. 10 Ram metal silhouettes and 10 Pig metal silhouettes. No mandated order for target knock-down.
Upon initial arrival at the range, place your rifle upon your assigned shooting bench (muzzle downrange) to unpack. Leave the unpacked rifle on your Firing Station bench or in the rifle rack.
Each “Penalty Box” (non-shooting) Relay Member will utilize the rifle rack. The Penalty Box shooter will provide safety oversight while firing is in progress.
Once shooters finish firing their 20 rounds, shooters have the option of leaving their rifle at the Firing Station or in the rifle rack. Packing-up your rifle (e.g. end-of-Shoot) will occur at whatever shooting bench you occupy.
All rifles on the benches and in the rifle rack - when not shooting - will remain in a SAFE state (removable magazines out, actions OPEN, and ECI (Empty Chamber Indicator) inserted.
Score-taking for this Shoot is voluntary. Enter each FS score on the Sign-Up sheet in the appropriate column.
Each animal silhouette target (metal and paper) has a value of 10 points when hit (“hit” is defined as - on a metal silhouette - any displacement caused by a bullet passage/on a paper silhouette - any bullet ‘cutting the animal perimeter’ or within the body).
Cans & Cannot
You CAN use a spotting scope when shooting.
You CAN enlist the aid of a Spotter.
You CAN use the higher score if a bullet ‘cuts’ a division line on a paper bullseye target.
You CAN use a rifle sling to steady yourself.
You CAN use a personal front rest, bipod or shooting stick on applicable Firing Stations.
You CANNOT have your feet off the concrete floor when shooting at Firing Stations#3.
You CANNOT use a dedicated rear rest when shooting from any bench.
You CANNOT count shots taken after the 10 minute time limit for score.
.22 Rimfire Bench Rest Shooting Group
If you have an interest in this discipline, or would like to give it a try, contact Ken DeCarle at 250-247-7639 (pachyderm@shaw.ca) for details.
On Demand
The objective is to provide an opportunity for friendly, low-cost, .22 rimfire bench rest rifle competition. After the official shoot
(see Shooting Sequence and Scoring below), participants are welcome to shoot informally until all ammunition, energy, or frustration is expended.
There is no limit on the weight of the rifle or barrel length/diameter. Triggers may be adjusted to a light pull, but must be safe.
There are two (2) categories of sights used: "iron" and Enhanced.
Any factory-made single-shot or repeating .22 rimfire rifle equipped with iron sights. Aperture (peep) sights are permitted.
Essentially, any sight other than iron. This may include telescopic, red dot, or laser.
Only one-piece rests (or bipods) are allowed, and must be used to support the fore-stock or barrel only. Rests must not be secured to the bench, or be capable of "return to battery". In this case, return to battery means that the rest allows the rifle sights to remain on target after a shot is taken, with little or no input from the shooter required to re-acquire the target for the next shot.
Ammunition must be .22 Short, Long, Long Rifle ( also .22 WMR during permitted firing windows . . . Tuesday, Friday and Saturday between noon and 3 p.m.). Choice of ammunition manufacturer, grade, or quality is up to the shooter, as is bullet weight, (factory-applied) coating or lubrication, and use of solid or hollow-point bullets.
Based on the Shooting Federation of Canada 50m Rimfire Rifle Target.
Ken D. will print up the targets and charge a nominal fee for them at each meet.
20 rds
On the shooter s own time, but not to exceed 20 minutes, on 2 targets. No official score recorded.
20 rds
10 rds, fired within 10 minutes, on each of 2 targets.
10 rds
10 rds, in 2 strings of 5 rds each, fired within 1 minute for each 5-rd string, on 1 target.
Maximum score on each Slow and Rapid target is 100. In the case of a tie, the smallest group wins. If more than one group measures the same diameter, the one closest to the X-ring wins. In order to count, a group must consist of all 10 rounds, and all 10 rounds must be on the paper for the target to count. Scores to be determined by the designated match officer, using an official scoring plug and template, if necessary.
.22 Rimfire Rifle Silhouette Shooting
We have 4 sand pits set up in accordance with common .22 rifle silhouette ranges (40, 60, 77 & 100 metres). Shooting is done primarily "On Demand", rather than routinely scheduled for this discipline.
+For a Silhouette Shooting Overview, see http://www.bcsportsmen.org/silhouette/basics.html .
Iron Sight Shoot
This Shoot is specifically intended for non-enhanced sights (e.g. Open, Peep or Aperture) requiring 3 points-of-focus (back sight, front sight, target). If anyone with ‘enhanced’ sights (i.e. scopes or red dots) wishes to participate, know that the priority for assignment of shooting benches will go to the Iron Sight shooters first.
Paper targets will be set at 50 & 100 yards. All 50 yd targets will be shot before setting-up targets on the 100 yard line. Unlimited sighting-in rounds can be fired at designated targets.
50 YARDS: Each shooter has 10 Scoring bullseyes (plus one for sighting-in) on the 50 yard target line. Each Scoring bullseye should absorb 5 shots. No time limit is assigned.
100 YARDS: Each shooter has 2 scoring bullseyes on the 100 yard target line (plus one for
sighting-in). The 2 Scoring bulls eyes EACH should absorb 10 shots. No time limit is assigned.
Privately owned rifle rests (including bipods) are allowed. Front & Rear rests are
permitted . . . BUT . . . they cannot be structurally connected (i.e. no Lead Sled nor gun
vise-type use).
Spotting scopes and/or designated spotter can be utilized.
Slings can be used.

Toxophilite: a devotee of archery; archer.
Our Club has a Field Archery Range situated adjacent to the rifle range on the open field and uses butts situated at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 yards. These butts are not built to withstand hits by broad-head tips nor crossbow bolts.
The Club possesses some equipment that can be used by anyone curious about the sport.
Infrequently, an Archery Games afternoon is held. The events include:
BALLOON BUSTING Shot as a Single player.
10 balloons –10 arrows to be shot.Add final score to Shooters List (for possible shoot-off). Any burst balloons to be replaced by the ‘burst-er’.
Archery Dart Board Games
NOTE: 1.The dartboard target used at our Club does not have any Bullseye incorporated:2.An arrow counts points wherever the MAJORITY of the shaft area lies within a pie segment or double/triple ring (BTW, there is no ‘cutting’ a line for a score).3.Double & Triple Rings are in-play for amassing points.
This game is played by two archers. It can be relatively long in duration/time. Each player starts with either 101points (for ‘no-sights’ archers), or 301 points (for archers with sights). The goal for each player is to reach zero, EXACTLY, by subtracting the amount they score in a turn from the amount they had left from the previous turn. First ZERO wins! A coin-toss determines who shoots first. The 1st archer shoots 3 arrows and deducts their amassed score for that round from their opening total. At this point, the players must decide whether to retrieve the first 3 arrows before the opposing player shoots his/her 3 arrows . . . . OR . . . . the opposing player carries on and shoots 3 arrows whilst the original 3 arrows are still embedded in the dartboard butt. Note: the risk of arrow collision/damage rises proportionally with the number of arrows shot at the same target. If a player should accumulate more points than they have remaining, then they have ‘busted’ and their turn is over, regardless of how many arrows remain to be shot.
That archer will resume with the same score they started with the next time it is their turn to shoot.
For Example: If I have 8 points remaining and my first arrow hits #14, then I stop shooting and relinquish the firing line to my opponent. When next I shoot, I have 8 points to hit EXACTLY in order to win the game.
This game is played by two archers. This is a “Kill-Or-Be-Killed” contest. It is relatively short in duration. Each player owns 3 Lives per six numbers (20, 19, 18,17,16,15).
The goal is to eliminate all of the opponent’s
3 Lives/Numbers before having all of your numbers eliminated. There is a penalty for “over-kill” such that if your arrows hit any number(s) which have already been eliminated of your opponent, then that hit rebounds and is applied to the appropriate Life on your side (if Lives still exist). The Loser can always say “I’ll be back!”.
TIC-TAC-TOE Shot as a twosome (i.e. with an opponent). Alternating shooters (1 arrow per turn) –1stshooter determined by coin toss.1starrowcannot be shot into CENTER square. If it happens, arrow to be discounted. 2nd &subsequent arrows are OK for CENTER square. Bows
WITH Sights shoot the 30 yard butt. Bows WITHOUT Sights shoot the 20 yard butt. Only 1 arrow can populate a square (remove/discount the late-comer). Keep shooting until a winner is determined. Elimination rounds shot to determine overall winner.

.22 Rifle Precision Shoot
This Shoot will consist of sitting at a bench, shooting at paper targets placed at 50 yards and 100 yards.
Any type of rifle sights can be used. Participants are requested to be present not later than 15 minutes prior to Relay start time to get their set-up tasks completed and to absorb event briefings. Shooters are requested to PRE-REGISTER for this Shoot with the Organizer (to facilitate bench and target-type assignment).
Rounds at 50 yards targets will be 50 Rounds for both aperture & scope shooters.
Rounds at 100 yards targets will be 25 Rounds for scopes and 20 Rounds for aperture.
Sighting-in targets are provided during this Shoot. 50 Yard targets will be shot at first.
No Time Limit is set for this Shoot.
50 YARD Targets:
APERTURE sights: The 50 yards target set consists of 10 bullseyes, with each bullseye expected to receive 5 shots. One sighting-in bullseye is provided (no rounds limit).
SCOPE sights: The 50 yards target page holds a matrix of 25 miniature bullseyes, into which each absorbs 2 shots. Two sighting-in bullseyes are provided (no rounds limit).
100 YARD Targets:
APERTURE sights: The 100Y target set consists of 2 Scoring bullseyes, with each receiving 10 shots. One sighting-in bullseye is provided (no rounds limit).
SCOPE sights: The 100 yards target set includes 5 bullseyes with each absorbing 5 shots. Two sighting-in bullseyes are provided (no rounds limit).
a. Privately owned rifle rests (including bipods) are allowed. Front & Rear rests are permitted . . . BUT . . .they cannot be structurally connected (i.e. no Lead Sled nor gun vise-type use).;
b. Slings can be used;
c. Spotting Scope permitted, as well as a designated Spotter.
Score your own targets. Enter your target line scores on the Sign-In Sheet. A post-Shoot e-mail will be distributed to participants.